Monday 1 October 2012

Short Film Genres

What are short film genres?

The interesting thing about short films is that they can be anything –the only limit beyond the cost and the equipment needed is that of your own imagination. So you can really play with your ideas, and format of them.
Every short film can and should be original. Film is about telling stories in pictures, and a short film is perhaps the easiest and most fun way of doing this.
One important rule to remember is ; show, don't tell. The idea and story can be made to make it feel and to exist entirely in the viewer's head, and so logic and time can play a much smaller role in the journey from beginning to end than in say longer films or a novel, and it is this idea I want to explore in my film.
The best short films are often a moment that is played out, but one that has a story at its heart - a conflict that has to be resolved, where there's a deadline to the action, where there's a choice that a character has to make. I want to use these basic ideas in my film, so that it doesn’t necessarily fit into any of the stated film genres.
I want to tell a story. I want to use the short film format, not to break the rules on genres, but to try to push the boundaries of what storytelling in a short film can do.

Here is a humorous look at different short film genres:

 I like this film because it does explain the genres but in a "short film" genre.

Another way of classifying short film genres according to "" is
Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Gay and Lesbian

But these categories are more flexible than for major films, and the experimental genre is very important for short films. The film above is broadly a comedy, although it is also a sort of documentary about film genres, but it is also experimental.
My film will also cross genre boundaries, i want it to be experimental, a comedy, with some drama, and maybe romance!

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