Monday 10 September 2012

Creating three-dimensional characters for my short film

For creating a realistic and life-like character they must be 3-dimensional. This means you must see their emotions, actions and their personality...
My short story idea is about a young man called Adrian, who has been arrested on suspicion of murder of his girlfriend (Julia) during a fight they had. He believes he has not killed her, and goes into such a deep emotional state that this is what he honestly believes he is innocent. His mirror (friend/companion) is someone who he has been close to since childhood (Chris) as the story develops Chis defends Adrian against George, who hated Adrian because he never thought he was good enough for his sister Julia. In a turn of events (a nightmare) Adrian is reminded that Julia's refusal of his proposal of marriage had caused him to lose his temper and attack her. In the end the judge declares him guilty.

Character 1: Adrian

·   What is their gender and age?Male, aged 20

·    What is their weight, height, build, colour of hair, eyes and skin?Slim-build, average height, dark brown hair, green eyes and pale skin.
 Are they right or left-handed?
Do they have any facial expressions, a squint or any disabilities?
Slight autism
Do they have a limp or missing finger?
Do they wear spectacles or contact lenses? 
Contacts/ sometimes glasses
 How do they walk or move? Slow and cautiously.
Do they have any mannerisms or habits?  
Bites his nails, bounces his knee and bites his lip when nervous.
Do they smoke?  
Used to but gave up when he got together with Julia.
What are their attitudes towards each of these?

·    How do they speak? What do they sound like?  Calm and quiet. Even when angry, mainly monotone.
What pitch and speed is their voice?  
Fairly low, though not very.
Any favourite sayings or words?  
Seize the day.
Do they use slang? or swear?

·    Do they live alone or with other. people? Alone
Do they have any children? What is their relationship to them? What kind of children are they?

·    Do they have a partner, or one or several lovers? Are they celibate? Married?  Used to, Julia.
Do they have dependent relatives, flat mates or pets?

·Where do they live?  In a 1 bedroom flat in Mile Cross, Norwich 
Do they own their home?  Yes.
How much does it
cost: How is it furnished?  Approx. £88,000. Basic furnishings.
Are they domesticated, tidy] or messy?

*   Are they successful in material terms? Not really.
 Do they have a good job with enough money: Are they worried about their finances?  Poor job, Worried about finances.
Are they
financially independent? Yes. Do they like their job?  No.If not, what would they rather do? He's unsure. What are the power of relationships in their work with co-workers, boss, or employees?  He has none.

*   Are their parents living? No.
Do they like them?
No. Was their family rich, poor, struggling to keep up appearances? Struggling.
but they inherited from them, both physically and psychologically? Nothing .

*   What kind of education did they have? State school education, run-down school. What were they expected to do with their life? Nothing.  What is their nationality? English. Do they live in their country of origin?  Yes.
How do they feel about this? Would have liked to get away. What is their sexuality and their attitude towards it? Bisexual, closed about it and few people know. How important is it? Fairly. What are their attitudes towards someone else's sexuality? Believe that people should be free to love who they want.

*   When they are at home for an evening alone, are they happy with their own company? Yes. Do they read books, magazines, newspapers, the back of cornflakes packets? None What music? Calm music, favorite band - God Is An Astronaut What do they eat? Vegan Foods. Can they relax? Sometimes. Do they knit, sew, write letters, watch television, revise notes from an evening class? No. What are their hobbies, if any? Listening to and composing music. Are they quirky? Fairly. Are they a collector? No.What do their hobbies, music and books tell us about them? That music is a large proportion of their life. 

·    Are they a cool or a sexy person? To some people they might be. Are their relationships fiery and passionate or calm and carefully controlled? A mixture of both. Do they have a nasty temper? Yes. Are they charming? Sometimes. Do they control their emotional life or does it control them? They control their emotional life. How do they express tension or do they internalize stress? They don't, they just control it and bottle it up. How do they express pleasure? They struggle to express this,  

·    Do people like them? A few people do. Do they do what they want? Yes
Do they
admire or respect themYes  

·    Do they run their own life, or are they usually obeying other people, or doing things in order to please or take care of others? They run their own lives.  

·    What is their favourite colourSea Foam What is their star sign and birth stone? Virgo, Jasper Do they believe in astrologyNo. Are they religious or spiritual? No. Do they have a phobia or phobias? Arachnophobia, Claustrophobia, Spermophobia (Fear of germs)

·    What do they want from life? Unsure. What are their goals in the short, medium and long term? Long term. What do they really want from life and whyTo stay with Julia, forever. When they die, how do they want to be buried:  Out at sea. 
 Do they want their ashes scattered anywhere specific? No. Any particular music played at their funeral? God Is An Astronaut- All Is Violent, All Is Bright. Have they thought about death at all? Often. Does death bother them? Very much.

·    What is their relationship to the other main characters in the story? There is a mutual hatred between him and George and his close friendship with Chris and Julia. Who or what is trying to prevent them from achieving their goal(s)? George prevented Julia from accepting his engagement and understanding his innocence. 

·    Do you like them? yes. Do you respect them? not particuarly. How do you want the audience to feel about them? That he's a bitter young man who has had more than his share of bad luck. 

·    Within the drama/film/story, what is their goal or dramatic need? Adrian's goal is to prove his innocence though in the end this is deemed as impossible. What are they trying to achieve, gain or change during the course of the piece? Trust of colleagues, friends and family.        ,

·    At the end of the script, what is their development? They realise that they are not as innocent as they first seemed. How have they changed? They become more insane throughout. What have they learned, about things or other people, themselves? That he is not always right and that terrible things happen to (seemingly) good people.

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